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Our Partners
Babat-völgy Organic Study Garden

We are the organic training gardens of Szent István University. Established in 1998, the gardens have been supplying a wide range of fresh, seasonal, organic vegetables to consumers in the Gödöllo.-Budapest area for many years. We ran one of the first CSA schemes in Hungary, and have always had a commitment to supplying local, seasonal organic vegetables.

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Gódor Organic Garden

We are a family farm, working organically since 1992. We specialize in organic vegetables on a larger scale, and are able to supply good quality traditional vegetables all through the year (potatoes, carrots, onions, etc.). We grow vegetables on a large area on the good soils next to Galgahévíz. Our family has grown vegetables for generations.


Our enterprise is located in eastern Hungary,in a small town call "Kölcse", in the heart of the "Szatmár" region, in one of the most untouchable, less explored, and rural area in Hungary. The "Szatmár" region is very often called as the "fruitbasket" of Hungary, very famous for its apples, plums, cherries and walnuts. We are surrounded with a lot's of natural parks, which provide an excellent possibility to farming organically.


Our agricultural enterprise was founded in year of 1993 by my wife Erika and me. Since then, we have been dealing with organic grain and field vegetable production, from 2003 also with apple cultivation. The love and respect for land has been spawned in our life, this was the ground to build our agriculture with heart and hand. In the possession of the acquired knowledge and know-how, we had a go at our 20 hectare smallholdings wholeheartedly.
  By today, our has grown into an organic farming sector, owns 250 hectares (30 of vegetables, 220 of grain), while the range of crops has been growing over the years.



   25 hektárnyi területen folyik biodinamikus módszerek segítségével zöldség és fűszernövények, szántóföldi növények termesztése.
A gazdaság másik része Hortobágy - Vókonya pusztán található. Sokat áldoznak a régi mesterségek, szokások, hagyományok megőrzésére, ápolására. 

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