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Matthew & Kata

2nd Week of the Erasmus Camp

This week we really benefited from our second week of the Erasmus summer camp, with a group of 12 young people from all over Europe (all over the world actually). The two main projects were renovating Cargonómia's valyog house with Logan, and reconstructing the wildlife pond with Matthew. Alongside these bigger projects, we did a lot of regular garden tasks, like harvesting potatoes, sowing various leafy crops (salad mix, coriander, rocket, radishes), preparing beds, etc. It was a pleasure to host this group of young people, and really gratifying to get their feedback at the end of the 2 week summer camp. Despite living in pretty primitive conditions for the duration, and some unrelentingly hot weather, the group never seemed to complain, but all said that they got a lot out of their time in Zsámbok, and we hope that in the long-term some ideas might germinate in their minds, to start up farms and gardens wherever they go. We want to thank the whole group for their hard work, and to wish them all well.

This week we will have a presence at the Gyüttment Fesztival, Matthew will have a talk on Thursday afternoon (2022.08.25. 5.00pm) on the goals of the regenerating Biokultüra Közep-Magyarországi Egyesület and about organic gardening and Zsámboki Biokert. Come and join us!

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