Before Christmas, Matthew and Áron (our new colleague in the garden - see next week's newsletter for more about Áron), had a very interesting trip to Hof Mahlitzsch, a 30 year old, large biodynamic farm in Germany, near Dresden. Áron worked for several years on this exceptional farm, and we decided to go and visit to learn more about how they grow vegetables, on a larger scale. We brought home with us a selection of top quality (nutrient-dense) vegetables, which you can try out. Our intention continues to be to source most of our vegetables either from our own farm, or from Hungarian organic growers, but sometimes we will be sourcing produce from neighbouring countries, if they are excellent quality and a fair price.
We plan to have more trips to Hof Mahlitzsch, and they have very kindly offered to advise us on developing our vegetable production. It is wonderful to see such a successful farm project, which is the result of 30 years hard work, and creative development. Hof Mahlitzsch is a mixed farm, with 60-100 dairy cows, a large vegetable production operation, an on-site shop, their own box system, a bakery, and much more. It is always inspiring to see other working organic-biodynamic farms.

Source: Áron Csutoros