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  • Matthew & Kata

Merry Christmas!

We have a busy week ahead, with bumper orders for the box deliveries, as well as our last market of the year at the Ökopiac (Friday 23 December), where you can still stock up on last minute local, organic seasonal goodies. The Zsámboki Biokert Team is also looking forward to a bit of a break, a bit of a rest, and a time to contemplate the year ahead. In this year of drought and extreme summer heat, the evidence for Climate change has never been stronger, but alongside that we also need to keep in mind the loss of huge numbers of species, and the need to regenerate biodiversity. This last week Logan and Antoine (French intern) were continuing to plant bushes in our biodiversity strip, which we plan to add to.

The UN COP 15 conference on Biodiversity ends tomorrow. Like many of these international forum there is great difficulty in getting meaningful agreement to action. At this conference countries of the South have been understandably frustrated at the demands for nature conservation by the pious northern countries, when it is not at all clear where resources are going to come from to fund the necessary measures to protect and regenerate biodiversity. Many conservationist say that biodiversity loss is in the long term even more serious than climate change. Clearly both are a major concern. Anyone wondering what they can do would do well to plant a few trees and grow their own veg in 2023.

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