As well as work going on in the tunnels (hoeing, weeding and harvesting), we are starting to prepare outside beds and work with Sári (ló) to start loosening the soil in a few areas where we plan some later sowings and plantings. Our method of cultivation is to work with small machinery and equipment, hand tools, and with horse-drawn equipment to bit-by-bit prepare areas. This is different to the common approach of using a tractor to quickly complete a cultivation job. Our aim is to be gentle on the soil, to avoid heavy compaction of the easily-compacted soils we have, and to work together with nature, to let the microbiology of the soil do a lot of the work for us. By opening up the soil, letting in a bit of air, and surface loosening, we bring air and warmth into the soil to encourage the soil biology to wake up and move into action.
Matthew & Kata