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Second Open Day at Zsámboki Biokert

Matthew & Kata

This last weekend (Sunday 7 May) we had a fun open day at Zsámboki Biokert. The turnout was smaller than the April open day, but it looked like everyone enjoyed themselves. A big thank you to everyone who turned up and helped weed the spinach and carrots - thank you for your thorough work. Our aim with the open days is to provice an opportunity for anyone interested in seeing our small farm, getting to know us better and see where some of your vegetables come from - also of course to have fun! We offer an opportunity for some voluntary gardening work in the morning - this is not compulsory (you can come and go as you like at the open days - we only ask that you register, so we have an idea of numbers for lunch). We had a good farm tour with lots of questions - quite a few on bio-dynamics, then whoever wanted to climbed aboard the lovás kocsi, drawn by our loyal Sári. The chirldren certainly enjoyed this - it is a good way to get some wider views of the surrounding countryside.

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