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Matthew & Kata

Property Offer - Zsámboki Nagyi Kertje

This week we want to give space to an opportunity to invest into a house and potential organic garden in Zsambok. Emese and Laci (fellow parents at the Gödöllő Waldorf School) would like to sell this family house in Zsámbok to people who want to grow and go organic (see the link to their property). As the first certified organic growers in Zsámbok, Zsámboki Biokert want to encourage anyone moving to Zsámbok interested in agroecological gardening and farming. We would like Zsámbok to become Hungary's centre of organic growing (or at least one of them - we are happy that we have such strong competition from Terény and Fülöpjakab, and probably a few other villages we don't know about). Anyhow, we encourage you all to look at Emese and Laci's offer, to post it around to friends and families, and come and join us in our organic adventure in Zsámbok! You won't be alone - there are already a number of certified organic gardens in Zsámbok, and the number growing.

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