The Zsamboki Biokert garden team is a skilled group of workers which possess the diverse array of skills that are required to make an organic farm function. Dedication, and the ability to work full days in all seasons while exposed to the elements are the most basic characterisitics required by a team member. Successfull farming requires preparation, observation, reaction and team work to help complete the production cycle from seed to customer box or bag.
Each member of our garden team has individual skills and personality traits which contribute to the building of a balanced and functional working group. Strength, obsevational skills, responsiveness and attention to detail are some of the most important qualities that are required day to day on the farm. Team members have experience working with a wide array of crops, caring for our production and working animals, preparing soils and carring out seasonal maintainence, and preparing harvested crops to be sent to consumers.
It is our goal to maintain and encourage a comfortable and enjoyable working environment on the farm.