One of the biggest environmental challenges we face is how to arrange a productive farm that minimizes carbon emissions. Conventional agriculture and food systems are a major source of pollution and carbon emissions. Organic farming results in lower carbon emissions than conventional farming, but there is still a long way to go before we achieve carbon neutral farming.
We try to minimize carbon emissions in our food production by avoiding the use of fossil fuels as much as possible. We farm using horses and do not use tractors. The animals on our farm to provide some of our manure, and when we require additional manure we seek local, small-scale sources which can be delivered to our farm with horses from neighbors in the village.
Our sales and distribution system (Zsamboki Biokert Organic Vegetable Box System) is based around distributing our products from a few centrally located collection points, which consumers can conveniently reach without having to travel far distances from their homes. We try to minimize the use of disposable packaging materials, and avoid them as much as we can manage.