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  • Matthew & Kata

Pondering - Concrete Actions

Personally, these last weeks I have been getting more and more worked up by issues of freedom protest, algorithms (of artificial intelligence), the collaboration of big pharma, big tech, bit media and government. This is an endless labyrinth in which it's very easy to get lost and hard to really know what's true and what's not. These issues, whilst important are the preoccupations of a self-obsessed species (us humans). Finally, I managed to see myself from outside and realized that I am not in the right place. To preserve my mental health I had to decide what is important to me, what it is that I can actually take action in. My focus needs to be more on ensuring the long-term health of our planet (which after all is in all of our long-term interests). Where and how our food is grown plays of course, a crucial role in the way humans impact on the natural environment. But there are many other sources of environmental degradation: loss of biodiversity, climate change, air, water and soil pollution from waste and toxic emissions - the list seems almost endless - what can we do? Two simple steps to start with:

1. Join the Biokultúra Közép-magyarországi Egyesület as a public member. We would like to be part of reactivating the Hungarian organic movement, and by joining the regional Biokultúra association, you can be part of this. (to join as a member please write to: 2730 Albertirsa, Pozsonyi u. 52., or email: , president: Obreczán László tel.: +36 30 951 4915 ,

2. Come along to a local family festival for nature conservation - Duna-Ipoly Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság are part of the organisation of a regular Family Day at Farmos, (eastern Pest County - easily accessible by railway from Keleti Station). The Family Day will be on Saturday 2 April, and will include a chance to save frogs, learn about the local birdlife, and we will also be there promoting organic food production as part of a joint effort to conserve our environment. We will provide more details of the event closer to the date, but write up the event on your family diary, and please plan to come along!

For those who read English, you can check out "A letter from the farm", which this week features a letter from Zsámboki Biokert, on an international forum.

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